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Most Important Child Development and Pedagogy Questions For OSSTET /CTET/OTET - Exam2Cracks

Child Development and Pedagogy Most Important Questions For OSSTET

Osstet pedagogy questions
OSSTET Exam 2020
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1) A blue print consists of three dimensions, what are they ?
- Weightage to learning objectives
- Weightage to form of objectives
- Weightage to content

2) Which statement related to growth and development is correct ?
- Development refers to physical growth where as growth refers to working process of the child
- Development takes place throughout life but growth stops at a fixed age
- Development ends at maturation where as growth is a life long process
- Development is quantitative but growth is qualitative

3) At what stage of the intellectual development of a child ego-centric thought process develops?
- Concrete operational
- Pre-operational
- Formal operational
- Sensori motor

4) Which statement about evaluation and measurement is correct ?
- Both mean the same process
- Evaluation is quantitative but measurement is qualitative
- Evaluation is based on measurement
- All the statements are correct

5) Which one is a factor of motivation ?
- Punctuality
- Incentive
- Question and Answer
- Practice

6) Which statement is applicable for teacher-centered learning ?
- Teacher remains more active
- Teacher teaches at the learner's home
- The pupil himself/herself reads book and acquires knowledge
- Teacher acts as facilitator of learning

7) According to psychologists, what is the meaning of 'learning'?
- Increasing problem solving ability
- Acquisition of knowledge from books
- Modification of experience
- Modification of behaviour

8) Which characteristics is not found in learning disabled children?
- Omitting letters while writing
- Working unmindfully
- Writing numbers wrongly
- Intelligence quotient is less than 90

9) By which method a gifted child can be identified ?
- Interview
- Intelligence testing
- Diagnostic testing
- Attitude testing

10) "Natural response to a stimulus can be connected to an unconditioned stimulus"-- Who experimented it first ?
- Pavlov
- Thorndike
- Galton
- Kohler

11) Which characteristics is seen among backward learner's ?
- Ability to analyse
- Objective-based behaviour
- Desire for vocation of repute
- Inability to express ideas

12) At the beginning of teaching a lesson, some questions are asked. This is based on which law of learning ?
- Effect
- Practice
- Readiness
- Use

13) Which is a factor of insightful learning ?
- Problem solved by insight is remembered for a long period
- Insightful learning is more effective than trial and error learning
- insight is useful for problem solving
- All of the above

14) At what stage of development the child tries to draw the attention of others towards his own work ?
- Infancy
- Early childhood
- Later Childhood
- Pre-adolescence

15) " Intelligence is the ability to carry on abstract thinking" -- whose opinion is it ?
- Terman
- Binet
- Thorndike
- Galton

16) Which statement on intelligence is correct ?
- Intelligence increases from birth to death
- Intelligence develops by the influence of environment
- Intelligence refers to a specific ability
- Intelligence has no correlation with learning process

17) Which statement on development is correct ?
- Development does not take place after the age of 20 to 22 years in case of boys
- Development stops at maturity
- Development declines after the age of 40
- Development continues till death

18) Who classified instructional objectives ?
- Bloom
- Guilford
- Galton
- Piaget

19) What stage of growth and development is called as the 'period of stress and strain' ?
- Childhood
- Late - childhood
- Adolescence
- Adulthood

20) The intellectual development of a child takes place mainly in 4 stages -- who propounded this theory ?
- Skinner
- Piaget
- Kohlberg
- Rickson

21) Which one of the following statement is not applicable for development?
- Development is a lifelong process
- Physical maturity is development
- Development is qualitative as well as quantitative
- Development is individual centred

22) " Hit iron when it is hot" -- on which law of learning is it based ?
- Law of readiness
- Law of exercise
- Law of effect
- None of the above

23) Who for the first time prepared two parallel tests for the measurement of intelligence ?
- Binet and Simon
- Binet and Terman
- Terman and Merril
- Binet and Merril

24) Who experimented with a cat to establish his learning theory ?
- Pavlov
- Thorndike
- Skinner
- Kohler

25) What is the role of motivation in learning ?
- It makes the behaviour goal directed
- It makes the behaviour systematic
- It activates the learner's behaviour
- All of the above

26) Which of the following Process indicates learning ?
- Process of behavioural changes
- Process of qualitative development
- Process of practice
- All of the above

27) Which of the following should an ideal teacher emphasize ?
- Objective based teaching
- Activity based teaching
- Pupil centred teaching
- All of the above

28) The test conducted at the time of teaching belongs to what type of evaluation ?
- Formative
- Summative
- Placement
- Diagnostic
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31. Which statement is not applicable to objective type of questions ?
- More content can be covered
- Correct measurement is possible 
- Quick and correct valuation is possible
- Measuring more than one learning objective is possible

32. Nothing succeeds like success', this statement is based on which law of learning as propounded by Thorndike ?
- Practice
- Readiness
- Effect
- Recency

33. Which is proper method of remedial learning ?
- Home task
- Group discussion by the teacher
- Co-operative learning
- Practisation

34. According to Terman, what is the I.Q of gifted children ?
- 100
- 100 to 200
- 120 to 140
- More than 140

35. Which method is not useful for identifying slow learner's ?
- Intelligence testing 
- Interview with parents
- Observation by the teacher
- Achievement testing

36. Which is an example of intrinsic motivation ?
- Aspiration
- Praise
- Encouragement
- Prize

37. Which is not related to motor learning ?
- Drawing
- Imitation
- Cycling
- Typewriting

38. " Natural response to a stimulus can be associated with another stimulus."Which learning theory is related to it ?
- Conditioning
- Trial and error
- Insightful
- Instrumental conditioning

39. Which of the following is wrong ?
- Development is a lifelong process
- Development always takes place uniformly
- Development is individualistic
- Development does not stop at maturation

40. Mental health of the child is influenced by which one ?
- Parents aspiration
- Teacher's behaviour
- Peer behaviour
- All of those

41. Whole and part learning concept is based upon
 which learning theory ?
- Trial and error 
- Insightful
- field theory
- Instrumental

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42. What is inclusive education ?
- To teach by integrating all subjects
- to teach all categories of learner's together according to their needs
- To teach different categories of learner's in different groups
- To make provision of formal learning for all

43. What type of questions are asked at the last step of teaching in period ?
- Placement
- Diagnostic
- Summative
- Formative

44. Which one influences the development of child ?
- Teacher's behaviour towards the child
- Parents behaviour towards the child
- Peer influence on the child
- All of these

45. At what stage of intellectual development, does problem solving ability of the pupil take place ?
- Sensory motor
- Pre-operational
- Concrete operational
- Formal operational

46. What statement is not applicable for 'education' ?
- Education is a goal- directed process
- Education is a lifelong process
- Education is a behaviour modification process
- Education is only a formal process

47. For which of the following trial and error method is more useful ?
- Skill achievement
- Collecting data 
- Memorising study
- Arriving at a conclusion

48. The child's ability to learn mainly depends on which of the following ?
- Environment 
- Observation
- Excursion
- Maturation

49. Which one is not a learning method ?
- Observation
- Imitation
- Discovery
- Training

50. What type of evaluation is OSSTET ?
- Diagnostic
- Formative
- Summative
- Placement

51. Generally what is the intelligence quotient of slow learner's ?
- Less than 60
- Between 60 and 180
- Between 90 and 110
- More than 110

52. Which is a projective aid ?
- Blackboard
- Flannel board
- Epidiascope
- model

53. "Child is like tender plant"- whose view is this ?
- Froebel
- Rousseau
- Montessorie
- Pestalozzi

54. Who was the propounder of conditioning theory of learning?
- Thorndike
- Kohler
- Koffka
- Pavlov

55. What is called " Pedagogy "?
- Science of learning
- Science of educational planning
- science of teaching
- Science of educational testing

56. Which method is followed to study the behaviour of the learner's ?
- Observation 
- Interview
- Experimentation
- All of the above

57. At what stage of development, the child differentiates between right and wrong ?
- Infancy
- Early Childhood 
- Later Childhood
- Pre- adolescence

58. Who is the propounder of the two factor theory on intelligence ?
- Spheremen
- Galton
- Binet
- Terman

59. According to Hurlock, what is the age range of early childhood ?
- 2 to 6 years
- 6 to 10 years
- 2 to 10 years
- 0 to 6 years

60. What type of question should the teacher ask to identify creative children ?
- Divergent thinking
- Diagnostic
- Convergent thinking
- Activity based 

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