


Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Child Development and Pedagogy Important Questions For OTET 2019

Child Development and Pedagogy Important Questions For OTET 2019
Child Development and Pedagogy Important Questions For OTET 2019

1. A candidate who is not selected in teacher recruitment test threw away his books. The type of defense mechanism here is
1. Fantasy
2. Displacement..
3. Identification
4. Sublimation

2. The stage of ‘authority and social order maintaining morality’ is in which level of Kohlberg’s moral development
1. Conventional level..
2. Pre-conventional level
3. Post-conventional level
4. Natural conventional level

3. When a meritorious student gets less marks, the role of the class teacher would be
1. Scolding the student in the class
2. Trying to know reason from his parents
3. Advising the student to consult the physician
4. Inspiring the student to pay interest towards his studies..

4. One of the following is not a related pair 
1. William James - Functionalism
2. Wreithmer - Gestaultism
3. Piaget - Behavioursm ..
4. Freud – Psycho analysis

5. One of the following is pre-gang age
1. Infancy
2. Adolescence stage
3. Early childhood ..
4. Late childhood

6. In this cognitive developmental stage of Piaget the error ‘concentration of thought on a single dimension’ exists
1. Sensory motor stage
2. Pre-operational stage..
3. Concrete operational period
4. Formal operational period

7. The last stage in the order of Language development is
1. Pre-lingual stage
2. Bobbling stage
3. Sound imitation stage
4. Language comprehension stage..

8. People having this type of intelligence are called ‘Social smart’
1. Spatial intelligence
2. Interpersonal intelligence ..
3. Bodily kinaesthetic intelligence
4. Intrapersonal intelligence

9. Kohler experiment is related to
1. Conditioning
2. Insight ..
3. Trial and Error
4. Construction of knowledge

10. Imitation is the basis for which learning theory
1. Cognitive learning
2. Operant conditioning
3. Constructive learning
4. Social learning..

11. The true statement with regard to characteristics of learning is
1. It is not goal oriented
2. No individual differences with regard to speed in learning
3. Learning is a life-long process..
4. Learning is a static process

12. In Pavlov’s experiment the dog’s recognition of difference between the stimuli – a round ring and an oval ring is
1. Extinction
2. Discrimination ..
3. Generalization
4. Spontaneous recovery

13. According to Bandura one of the following is not related to the aspect of social learning process
1. Conditioning ..
2. Attention
3. Reinforcement
4. Retention

14. One of the following is a primary need
1. Learning English
2. Scoring high marks
3. Quenching thirst..
4. Cycling

15. According to Vygotsky’s language development theory, the type of speech of a two year child is
1. Private speech
2. Social speech ..
3. Silent inner speech
4. Louder speech
16. The knowledge of balancing in cycling helps in learning of scooter driving. The type of transfer of learning here is
1. Positive transfer..
2. Negative transfer
3. Zero transfer
4. Bilateral transfer

17. Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation is the assessment of
1. Co-curricular activities only
2. Scholastic and co- scholastic areas..
3. Academic subjects only
4. Summative Assessment Tests only

18. Reading disability is
1. Dyslexia ..
2. Dysphasia
3. Dysgraphia
4. Dyscalculia

19.‘Cephalocaudal development’
1. Proceeds in the direction of longitudinal axis, i.e., from head to foot..
2. Proceeds from foot to head
3. is done at a time in head and feet
4. depends on the size of the head.

20. According to Piaget, children will learn the concept of object permanence during.
1. Sensory motor stage..
2. Pre-operational stage.
3. Concrete operational stage.
4. Formal operational stage.

21. “The moral development of a person depends on the person’s cognitive abilities” opined by
1. Chomsky
2. Tolman
3. Piaget
4. Kohlberg..

22. The approximate IQ of slow learners is
1. 90 -110
2. 90 -100
3. 70 - 89 ..
4. 110 - 120 

23. Abhishek was beaten by his class teacher for no reason. Abhishek got angry on his teacher, but showed his anger on his younger brother at home. Here the defense mechanism used is
1. Displacement..
2. Repression
3. Identification
4. Regression

24. Theory of hierarchy of needs was proposed by
1. Watson
2. Hurlock
3. Maslow ..
4. Atkinson

25. One of the following is not related to psychomotor domain.
1. Imitation
2. Responding..
3. Precision
4. Articulation

26. According to Vygotsky the lower level mental function is
1. Questioning ..
2. Analysis
3. Synthesis
4. Creative thinking

27. The following law of learning was not proposed by Thorndike
1. Law of readiness
2. Law of exercise
3. Law of reinforcement..
4. Law of effect

28. One among the following is not a Gestaltist
1. Kohler
2. Koffka
3. Erickson ..
4. Wertheimer

29. The American psychologists Miller and Dollard are related to the following theory.
1. Trial and error theory
2. Social learning theory..
3. Classical conditioning
4. Operant conditioning

30. The method explained by Kilpatrick is
1. Lecture method
2. Heuristic method
3. Project method..
4. Historical method

31. Audio Visual aid among the following is
1. Computer ..
2. Slides
3. Models
4. Bulletin Board

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31. Identify the wrong statement from the following

1. Development is continuous
2. Development cannot be predicted ..
3. Development is cumulative
4. Development follows the principle of interaction

32. According to Piaget, the limitation in children during intuitive period is
1. Object permanence
2. Animism
3. Ego centrism
4. Lack of concept of irreversibility..

33. According to Kohlberg ‘good boy morality’ is found in this stage.
1. Pre-conventional level – stage 1
2. Pre-conventional level – stage 2
3. Conventional level – stage 3 ..
4. Conventional level – stage 4

34. ‘Children’s brain contains language acquisition devise’ – opined by
1. Chomsky ..
2. Bandura
3. Skinner
4. Kohlberg

35. Unable to answer the questions in an interview a person started weeping like a child. This is an example for the defense mechanism.
1. Identification
2. Displacement
3. Regression..
4. Repression
36. One of the following is not related to cognitive domain
1. Application
2. Analysis
3. Precision..
4. Evaluation

37. According to Vygotsky ‘Social speech’ in children starts at the age of
1. 1 year
2. 2 years ..
3. 3 years
4. 4 years

38. In operant conditioning.
1. Role of learner is active..
2. Relation is formed between stimulus and response
3. Stimulus is to be shown at the beginning
4. No reinforcement is given

39. Author of the book ‘The Mentality of Apes’
1. Thorndike
2. Kohler ..
3. Pavlov
4. Skinner

40. One of the types of reinforcements introduced by Bandura includes
1. Continuous reinforcement
2. Primary reinforcement
3. Direct reinforcement..
4. Secondary reinforcement

41. Dysgraphia is a
1. Oral – language disability
2. Reading disability
3. Writing disability ..
4. Arithmetic disability

42. The enactive method, iconic method and symbolic methods in instructional order was proposed by
1. Skinner
2. Bruner ..
3. Piaget
4. Bloom

43. The first step in project method is
1. Providing a situation..
2. Planning
3. Execution
4. Evaluation

44. Chapter 2 of NCF 2005 deals with
1. Learning - knowledge ..
2. School, class environment
3. Institutional reforms
4. Educational plan

45. An example for projected aid
1. Films ..
2. Bulletin board
3. Chart
4. Black board

46. According to Guilford the following is not the characteristic feature of creative people
1. Fluency
2. Rigidity ..
3. Originality
4. Redefinition

47. The last stage of Kohlberg’s moral development is
1. Morality of individual principles, conscience ..
2. Obedience for avoiding punishment
3. Authority, maintaining social order
4. Agreements, Individual rights

48. In this defence mechanism an individual tries to attribute his own defects on others is
1. Regression
2. Fantasy
3. Projection ..
4. Displacement

49. Piaget termed the cognitive structures responsible for person’s organised patterns of behavior as
1. Assimilation
2. Adaptation
3. Schemata ..
4. Accommodation

50. The following is known as ‘Gang age’
1. Infancy
2. Early childhood
3. Adolescence
4. Late childhood..

51. According to Golman, the skill of ‘understanding others’ comes under this dimension of emotional intelligence
1. Social contact ..
2. Self contact
3. Self management
4. Maintenance of relations

52. Identify the unrelated pair
1. Observational learning - Bandura
2. Theory of instruction - Bruner
3. Insight learning – Pavlov..
4. Trial and error theory – Thorndike

53. Which theory originated from Gestaultism
1. Operant conditioning
2. Classical conditioning
3. Trial and Error learning
4. Insight learning ..

54. People remember incomplete or interrupted tasks better than completed tasks – This is known as
1. Dezavu
2. Zeigarnik effect..
3. Hallo effect
4. Gestaultism

55. The law of learning that encourages Drill and Home work is
1. Law of Readiness
2. Law of exercise..
3. Law of effect
4. Law of Interference

56. If a child gets bored while doing an activity, it’s a sign for this -
1. the child needs remedial teaching
2. the child is not intelligent
3. the activity became mechanical..
4. the child is an under achiever

57. According to Vygotsky, the speech at three years of age in
language development is
1. Private speech ..
2. Silent inner speech
3. Social speech
4. Outer speech

58. NCF 2005 guidelines on home work at primary level is,
1. Two hours home work for a week upto 2nd class
2. Two hours home work for a week from 3rd class..
3. Two hours home work for a week for all primary classes
4. One hour home work for a week for 1st class

59. Writing disability is
1. Dyslexia
2. Dysphasia
3. Dysgraphia ..
4. Dyscalculia

60. For successful teaching, teacher has to
1. Use textbooks only as sources of teaching
2. Follow teacher centered methods for teaching
3. Limit the evaluation to classroom activities only
4. Prepare and execute teaching plans considering the
diversified needs of the students..

61. Which chapter of RTE Act - 2009 contains the rules and
standards prescribed for school
1. Chapter I                
2. Chapter III
3. Chapter VIII
4. Schedule ..

61. “Development is the complex process of integrating different structures and functions” – stated by
1. Anderson ..
2. Craig
3. Galton
4. Watson
62. The first stage in language development is
1. Bobbling stage
2. Sound imitating stage
3. Pre-linguistic stage..
4. Language comprehension stage

63. According to Kohlberg’s, stages of moral development morality of individual principles and conscience relates to
1. Pre-conventional level, stage 1
2. Conventional level, stage 3
3. Conventional level, stage 4
4. Post conventional level, stage 6..

64. According to Erickson, the psychosocial critical situation faced by the children during play age is
1. Trust Vs Mistrust
2. Autonomy Vs Doubt
3. Industry Vs Inferiority
4. Initiative Vs Guilt..

65. The theory of transfer of learning proposed by Charles Judd is
1. Theory of identical elements
2. Theory of generalization..
3. Theory of ideals
4. Theory of transposition

66. According to Vygotsky ‘Private speech’ in children is found during which age
1. 3 years ..
2. 7 years
3. 10 years
4. 12 years

67. In Pavlov’s experiment food is a
1. Conditioned stimulus
2. Unconditioned stimulus..
3. Conditioned response
4. Unconditioned response

68. Operant conditioning is also known as
1. Classical conditioning
2. S-type conditioning
3. Reinforcement
4. Instrumental conditioning..

69. The meaning of the word Gestalt is
1. Part
2. Reinforcement
3. Chimpanzee
4. Configuration..

70. One of the following is not in the 4 aspects of learning process as suggested by Bandura.
1. Attention
2. Retention
3. Reinforcement
4. Extinction..

71. Alexia is a
1. Oral – language disability
2. Reading disability..
3. Writing disability
4. Arithmetic disability

72. Both collaborative and cooperative learning are
1. Teacher centred
2. Student centred ..
3. School centred
4. Vocation centred

73. The theory proposed by Bruner is
1. Observational learning theory
2. Theory of instruction..
3. Psychoanalytic theory
4. Operant conditioning

74. In NCF 2005 Institutional reforms were discussed in which chapter
1. Chapter 2
2. Chapter 3
3. Chapter 4
4. Chapter 5..

75. Which one of the following is not a projected aid
1. Films
2. Slides
3. Microscope..
4. Overhead projector

76. A father who once failed to get through in Civil Services, fully satisfied when his son succeeded and felt as if he succeeded in Civils - the type of defense mechanism here is
1. Withdrawal
2. Projection
3. Repression
4. Identification..

77. “Naive hedonistic and instrumental orientation” stage belongs to this level of Kohlberg’s moral development
1. Conventional moral level
2. Post conventional level
3. Pre conventional level..
4. Natural moral level

78. The following is more objective in nature
1. Experimental method..
2. Case study method
3. Introspection method
4. Observation method

79. The following statement is not true with regard to principles of development
1. Development is continuous
2. Development is unpredictable..
3. Development has individual differences
4. Development is cumulative

80. Tachistoscope is used to measure
1. Intelligence
2. Narratives
3. Memory/Span of attention..
4. Aptitude

81. The following categories of intelligence are ‘picture smart’
1. Intra personal intelligence
2. Spatial intelligence..
3. Bodily kinesthetic intelligence
4. Interpersonal intelligence

82. The ringing of bell in classical conditioning is
1. Unconditioned stimulus
2. Unconditioned response
3. Conditioned stimulus..
4. Conditioned response

83. One of the following statements is not true with regard to the factors influencing learning
1. Motivation is the key to learning
2. Individual’s health is not a factor for learning..
3. Memory enhances learning
4. There is a positive relation between maturity and learning

84. The concept of ‘Zone of Proximal Development’ (ZPD) was proposed by
1. Bandura
2. Bruner
3. Piaget
4. Vygotsky..

85. ‘Intuitive thought period’ is a sub stage in Piaget’s cognitive developmental stages
1. Pre-operational stage..
2. Sensory motor stage
3. Concrete operational stage
4. Formal operational stage

86. The following is not an activity for enhancing motivation
1. Organizing discussions and seminars
2. Promoting good relations among peers
3. Learning in stress environment..
4. Judicious use of rewards and punishment

87. This was not recommended by NCF – 2005 with respect to examination reforms
1. Encouraging open book examinations
2. Importance to written tests..
3. Introducing unlimited time for examinations
4. Importance to evaluation of group work

88. As per PWD Act which range of hearing is considered as hearing impairment
1. More than 30 db HL
2. More than 40 db HL
3. More than 50 db HL
4. More than 60 db HL..

89. The objective of continuous comprehensive evaluation is
1. Encouraging rote memory methods
2. Providing continuous feedback on student’s Performance..
3. Moulding teaching learning process as teacher centered
4. Limiting teaching to develop cognitive skills only

90. Which of the following is not suggested by RTE Act - 2009
1. No school is expected to collect capitation fees
2. Admission tests should not be conducted for admission into general schools
3. Special trainings are to be conducted for out of school children
4. Recognition from specified authority is not mandatory for schools maintaining good standards.. 

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